Wednesday, May 23, 2007

------------------------BLOGLINES ------------------------

I enjoyed learning more about Blog lines and RSS Feeds. I thought this was a easy lesson and very useful. I like the idea of having the most updated headlines without the spam and junk,right at your fingertips. On blog lines I was able to put my favorite websites and my favorite reads all together in one spot. I no longer have to waste time going from website to website. I will always have something to browse through for fun or learning.
I'd heard of the RSS Feeds and even read some of them. I will now purposely look for them as I surf the web. I was most fond of the What a cool way to look for syndicated information,you can use phrasing and keyword search,I like it.
Technorati though I luv there blogs. I didn't like the complicated steps it took to set-up a blog finder. I won't be using it.
Anyway, I'll use the blog finder account when we're not busy. We will be busy in Children's this summer though.

1 comment:

Bobbi Newman said...

hopefully using bloglines (or another feed reader) will save you a little time this summer!